Thursday 20 January 2011

Freakin' cool

This thing is cool.
I think this activity is called body rollerblading.Yeah,I did some research about this,and this thing is freaking cool.

Main kat Bukit Ampang rasanya okay tak? Harap tak kena lenyek lah.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Nintendo DS


As the title suggests,I'm gonna express my gratitude to one of my gaming console,Nintendo DS.
Kat Malaysia,konsol ni tak ramai yang beli,sebab diorang lagi suka main PSP, as their hand-held console.

As for me,memang first plan nak beli PSP je,tapi,for some reason,I changed my mind.

DS tak lah terok sangat. Though graphic game kat DS tak lah se-advance kat PSP,but it's worth it.
So far,banyak gak game yang dah habis with this console.

Sedar tak sedar,its been more than a year since I bought that little black machine.

Birth by sleep


Another blog has been created,a brighter one than before.
It has been planned for quite some time now.
I'll be using this blogging system for it's true function from now on.
No more heart-crumbling dramas,hypocrit
ical sympathies etc.
I'll post what I see,what I think suits to be written,what pleasures my heart to its full content.
I'll post what I like,and comments and building critics are gladly accepted.

Until then,thank you very much,as always.